Permanent Partial Disability and Permanent Total Disability

Sometimes as a result of a work-related accident, you can sustain a permanent disability. The benefits paid to you as a result of that kind of disability are in addition to the TTD or TPD you receive. Permanent Partial would be a situation where you end up with a life-long injury to a body part but can still work. Permanent Total is when you have become so injured that you can no longer work.

Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)

The payment is a combination of different calculations. First, you must know your average weekly wage. Then, once you are at “maximum medical improvement”, meaning as recovered as that body part is going to get, the doctor will give you a ‘rating.’ That rating will be a percentage of how much the disability affects the injured body part. Last, there is a state made “schedule of losses” which puts a number value (weeks) on different parts of the body. To find your payment, take the rating given by your doctor, multiply it by the number assigned on the schedule of losses to the injured body part, and then multiply by your average weekly wage.

To give an example, the knee is given a 160 weeks value on the schedule of losses. Assume a doctor gave you a 10% rating on the knee and your average weekly wage is the max, which is currently 483.48 for PPD. Take 160 x 10% (0.1) x 483.48. The payment on that injury in this situation would be $7,735.68

Permanent Total Disability (PTD)

Permanent total disability is defined as the “inability to return to any employment and not merely an inability to return to the employment in which the employee was engaged at the time of the accident.” This doesn’t require you to be completely inactive but it does mean that the judge would look at your condition and see whether any employer would be reasonably expected to hire you. If you are determined to be entitled to PTD benefits, you will be paid at the same rate as your TTD for the rest of your life. This includes possible weeks of back pay if you were not paid after you reached maximum medical improvement but before you were determined to be permanently and totally disabled.


There are a couple other important notes on PTD. One interesting issue is with respect to who will pay your benefits. If you became permanently and totally disabled from your work injury alone, your employer will pay it. If you become permanently and totally disabled as a result of your latest injury combining with pre-existing problems, the “Second Injury Fund” may become liable. Another important note is that, as mentioned above, if you reach maximum medical improvement, your employer doesn’t have to pay TTD. That means there might be some gaps of time between the end of your TTD payments and being determined totally disabled. Money can get tight so it is important that you are careful with your spending and it is a good idea to apply to Social Security for disability if your are, indeed, totally disabled. Finally, it is also a good idea to do your best to find work within the restrictions the doctor has given you. If you find a job, that is great. If you cannot find work, it shows that you have made an effort and employers don’t want to hire you in your condition (which would be some evidence to support your claim that you are totally disabled.)

That is a lot of information to take in and it can quickly get confusing if your injury is slightly more complex than any of the examples provided above. Quickly stated, your employer should pay for the medical treatment you need to recover (remember they get to pick the provider!), pay you a certain amount of money while you are recovering in the form of TPD or TTD, and if you have any permanent disabilities, an additional payment for those disabilities. If you have any questions about what you should receive or are worried that you are not receiving a benefit that you are entitled to, please contact one of the lawyers at Bollwerk & Associates and we would be happy to help!

Jill S. Bollwerk
Helping St. Louis area residents with personal injury, workers' compensation & insurance appeals/disputes.
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